Feb 26, 2011

The Days Tweets 2-26-11

For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who says to you, FEAR NOT, I am the one who helps you. Isaiah 41:13

DON'T stop believing.
Jesus is our ONLY hope.
Let go and let God.
Trust God and not man.

Behold, the former things have come to pass and new things I now declare; before they spring forth I TELL YOU of them. Isaiah 42:9

Jesus is our Healer.
I've got a feeling EVERYTHING is gonna be alright.
STOP listening to lies of the enemy - One way to identify them - when you say 'the devils been lying to me saying ...' what comes next is a LIE.
This too SHALL pass.
Relax in the LOVE that CHRIST has for YOU.
Hold fast to the words that the Lord gives you, for He WILL come through for you.
What in the world would I do without You – You're my Husband, Savior, Father, Best Friend, Healer, Provider, Deliverer – You're my EVERYTHING Jesus!
Our heavenly Father has us in the palm of His hands.
Apart from Christ, we can't do ANYTHING.

When you attacked powerful nations, the Lord MADE THEM run away, and no one has EVER been able to stand up to you. Any one of you can defeat a thousand enemy soldiers, because the LORD GOD fights for you, just as He PROMISED. Deep in your hearts you know that the LORD has kept EVERY PROMISE He ever made to you. Not one of them has been broken. Joshua 23:9,10,14

Stay close to the Vine and feed on God's Word and you'll go far.
God's got the WHOLE WORLD in His hands.

Prayer: Father, I pray that you touch our hearts and fill us with an overwhelming knowing of the love that you have for us. We need You so much, don't abandon us. Fill the voids. Heal the hurts. Strengthen us according to Your Word, in Jesus' name, amen.

Feb 8, 2011

Simple Word from the Lord to Me 2-7-11

Jesus said, If you love Me, obey My
commandments. All who love Me will
do what I say. My Father will love them,
and We will come and make Our home
with each of them. Anyone who
doesn’t love Me will not obey Me …
John 14:15, 23,24

It's in the fire that you get to know Me.
The more you know of Me, the more you love Me.
The more you love Me, the more you obey Me.

Prayer: Father, help us to hold on to our faith in You as we go through fiery trials. Give us a desire to want to know You better, love You more, and honor You by doing our best to be obedient. Give us grace. Live Your life through us, Lord. When we fall short, help us to stop beating ourselves up ... there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. In Jesus' name, amen.